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This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

Here's how you can add an image:

Here's how to make a list:

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

.freako { border: 1px ridge silver; /* player container border */ width: 190px; /* player container size, change it to whatever works for you but i don't recommend it being too short */ height: 30px; /* player container height, i like 30px, personally */ background-color: #000; /* player container backround colour */ color: #fff; /* player container text colour */ margin: auto; /* player container margin, this centers it, if you don't want it centered, then feel free to remove this or play around with it */ } .freakoinner { border: none; /* player container text area, i recommend no border */ width: 156px; /* player container text area width, make sure it's not as wide as the main container so the playbutton can work */ height: 30px; /* player container text area height, should be the same as the main container */ background-color: transparent; /* player container text area background, you can play with this if you wish */ color: #fff; /* player container text colour */ float: left; /* makes the text float left */ overflow: hidden; } .freakobutton { float: right; /* makes the play button float right */ margin-right: 7px; /* additional margin */ } .ico { color: #fff; /* play/pause button colour */ transition: 0.3s; /* controls the button animation upon hover */ } .ico:hover { color: grey; /* play/pause button hover colour */ transition: 0.3s; /* controls the button animation upon hover */ } .marquee { display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; white-space: nowrap; justify-content: flex-end; } .marqueecont { animation: marquee 7s 0s linear normal infinite; /* control the speed of your marquee here if needed */ position: relative; display: inline-block; padding-left: 200px; /* mess around with this if your song titles aren't scrolling properly :) */ } @keyframes marquee { 0% { right: -1rem; transform: translate(100%, 0%); } 100% { right: calc(100% + 1rem); transform: translate(0%, 0%); } } /* music player container FINISH